Earn incentives for reducing energy use during times of peak demand.

SWEPCO’s Load Management Standard Offer Program pays incentives to participating commercial customers for load interruptions during peak demand periods. Incentives are based on verified peak demand (kW) savings that occur at the customer’s site during an interruption. Contact us for full details and to sign up.

Sign Up

How it works

  • Participation period begins June 1 and ends September 30.
  • There will be one scheduled interruption at the beginning of the performance period.
  • Unscheduled interruptions will be limited to a maximum of three weekdays per month, each lasting no more than four hours between 1–7 PM.
  • SWEPCO will notify the customer within at least one hour of an impending interruption.
  • Interruptions must undergo SWEPCO’s verification process.


To qualify for the Load Management Standard Offer Program, customers must have a minimum of 50 kW peak demand, have an interval data recorder meter and be located on SWEPCO’s Arkansas distribution system.

How to enroll


Email Greg Perkins or call 479.973.2435 for more details.


We’ll notify you once you’re approved.


Earn incentives for reducing your facility’s electric demand on short notice.